
a fascination with numbers and number systems for fun and profit

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Being lucky

Winning the lottery can mean big, big changes in a person's life. It could signal the arrival of long-lost relatives and friends expecting him to share the wealth, or to listen to sure-fire investments that only needs "a little capital" to start.It's like he is suddenly the General to lead the War on Poverty and everyone has a bit of wisdom to help himget started on that noble campaign. A party or a celebration would be a good way to show everyone that he's a regular guy albeit a Fat Shot now, to enjoy their congratulations and felicitations on his good fortune and maybe give people a little nudge towards thinking that he is now Somebody whose opinions matter.

A man doesn't change overnight from being an overnight multi-millionaire. He does not become noble or lofty in his thinking or charitable in his feelings just because he's won a bundle of dough. He will be thinking of buying the obvious: cars, clothes, good food, and yes, he can now wow the girls at the bars who previously wouldn't give him the time of day.


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