Everything in life including the planets and days are given numerical representations or equivalents when dealing with numerology. Each day of the week also has a number associated with it which would have some specific meaning and these would influence or greatly the people whose numbers coincide with the numbers assigned to those those days. The science behind numerology is metaphysical rather than merely physical although empirical observations do find their way in the mix with meditative realizations and conclusions. The numeric equivalents of days of the week are as follows:
- Sunday ( 1 - 4 )
- Monday ( 2 - 7 )
- Tuesday ( 9 )
- Wednesday ( 5 )
- Thursday ( 3 )
- Friday ( 6 )
- Saturday ( 8)
- Sun ( 1 )
- Moon ( 2 )
- Jupiter ( 3 )
- Uranus ( 4 )
- Mercury ( 5 )
- Venus ( 6 )
- Neptune ( 7 )
- Saturn ( 8 )
- Mars ( 9 )
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